Bad Parenting Advice: Houston We Have a Problem!

Posted by on Oct 13, 2023 in Gentle parenting, temper tantrums | No Comments
Bad Parenting Advice: Houston We Have a Problem!

When Jack Swigert said, “Houston, we have a problem!” it was concerning the Apollo 13 moon landing, and it was because he saw a major issue on the horizon. I say it for the same reason. In my case, though, it means alerting readers to some really bad parenting advice out there that, more than […]

Why Gentle Parenting Will Make You and the Kids Miserable.

Why Gentle Parenting Will Make You and the Kids Miserable.

Coming right out and not only telling people that a particular parenting style doesn’t work but also why gentle parenting will make you and the kids miserable needs some explanation, I admit. Let’s start with this.  A 12- to 15-month-old toddler slaps her mom right in the face. A third person captures mom’s startled but […]

Why Is My Child Unhappy?

Why Is My Child Unhappy?

Some children are happy with very little. Some spend a lot of time being miserable, no matter what they have. If you are asking yourself, “Why do I have an unhappy child?” you’ve come to the right place because I’m going to tell you a story that you’ll likely see much of your own struggles […]

My Child Hates The Car Seat

My Child Hates The Car Seat

Hi Annie, How are you? I hope you had a good Christmas. I have a problem in that my child hates the car seat. She’s two.  Every time we go on a trip, she screams that she wants out. We’ve tried various ways to help her enjoy the trip, such as car snacks, toys, and […]

How Long Is Too Long In A Baby Swing

How Long Is Too Long In A Baby Swing

Hi Annie,  My question is how long is too long in a baby swing?  We have a 3.5 month old baby girl who is content in a baby swing while we eat or make supper. She is also in the swing on occasion during the day while my wife makes lunch, etc.However, my wife said […]

These parents need to get their act together!

These parents need to get their act together!

Hi Annie, Our niece Kaitlyn is about 3 1/2 years old and her parents need to get their act together. She runs the show. Kaitlyn tells her mom and dad what to do.  She wants nothing to do with anyone unless she can be the boss; she does not respond to questions from adults (gets […]

My Child Whines

My Child Whines

Hi Annie, My child whines. In fact both my kids have a real problem with whining. When my daughter went through it, I thought it was a stage and it would stop by itself, but it hasn’t. She’s now five, and my son is copying the habit, and he’s only two. I’m a single mom, […]

How To Handle a Picky Eater

How To Handle a Picky Eater

Knowing how to handle a picky eater can save parents a whole lot of stress because, let’s face it, having a picky eater can drive any parent up the wall. So, if you want to know how to handle a picky eater, you should first consider why you might be getting the behaviour and then […]

My Child Keeps Interrupting

My Child Keeps Interrupting

Hi Annie. My child keeps interrupting. Have you got any ideas about what to do with a child that interrupts all the time? I’m a foster mother, and I have a three-year-old girl that never lets me have a minute on the phone without her constantly pulling at me and interrupting. She shouts or screams […]

What can I do About Toddler Tantrums?

What can I do About Toddler Tantrums?

Toddler tantrums can drive any parent insane. There you are, innocently trying to pick up the family groceries, and your child decides that it’s that moment that they’re going to have a meltdown and destroy your day. Kids start with temper tantrums predominantly in the two-year-old age group. You might have some before that, but […]

My Child Feels Left Out

My Child Feels Left Out

When any parent says my child feels left out I feel for them.  Theres no doubt that watching your child being left out of the play is heartbreaking.  All parents want the best for their child and when your child is purposely left out by others, it reminds us of our own painful experiences that […]

My Sons Keep Fighting

My Sons Keep Fighting

Hi Annie, My sons keep fighting! We have a six-year-old and just-turned-three-year-old pair of boys. We are at our wits’ end trying to stamp out their extremely physical play and interactions. Our six-year-old will quietly provoke our three-year-old until there’s a flurry of hitting, kicking, and throwing of objects. Our six year-old then tries to […]

I Can’t Get My Toddler To Sleep

I Can’t Get My Toddler To Sleep

Dear Annie. I can’t get my toddler to sleep! Our 13-month-old son started at a day home 3 weeks ago when I went back to work, and he does not seem to be adjusting very well. He cries and cries, and he won’t take any naps there, so he is exhausted when we pick him […]

I Need A Good Night’s Sleep

I Need A Good Night’s Sleep

Hello Annie.  Help! I need a good night’s sleep! I have a baby boy who will be 6 months old on January 31, and he is my first child. “What do you do about sleep?” is my question, and I’m not sure if you work with babies this young. My husband and I have read […]

How to deal with aggression

How to deal with aggression

Hi Annie, I’m wondering how to deal with the aggression on the part of my son. My 9-year-old son came home today with a note from his principal and teacher. The teacher listed four aggressive episodes that my son engaged in in the last week and labelled them “violent acts.” I know that every parent […]

The Secret To Getting Your Kids To Listen

The Secret To Getting Your Kids To Listen

Would you like to know the secret to getting your kids to listen? Isn’t it funny how words like “ice cream,” “park,” or anything else that strikes kids as fun are heard right away, yet anything boring, like “it’s time to clean up your toys” or “go to bed,” can sail right over their heads […]

How Can I Get My Kids To Listen?

How Can I Get My Kids To Listen?

Hi Annie, How can I get my kids to listen?  I’ve got 3 kids; my oldest is turning 4 in January; the middle is 2; and my youngest is about to turn 1. My biggest source of frustration is getting the kids to do what I ask the first time I ask. I typically have […]

How To Handle A Temper Tantrum In Public

How To Handle A Temper Tantrum In Public

Would you like to know how to handle a temper tantrum in public? Let’s first acknowledge that there is nothing worse than having to handle a temper tantrum in public. All those judgmental stares and half-whispered comments just as you’re standing there with your toddler’s arms and legs flailing all over the sidewalk. So if […]

Step Parenting Problems

Step Parenting Problems

Interested in solving step parenting problems? Step-parenting problems are very common when families morph their structure, and it often takes considerable time to build the cohesion necessary for a workable family unit. Remember that there are different personalities at play, and no matter how hard you try, you can only do your best if you’re […]

My Daughter Refuses To Clean Her Room

My Daughter Refuses To Clean Her Room

“My daughter refuses to clean her room” is a complaint I actually hear quite a lot, and not to be sexist or anything, I hear it more often referring to daughters’ bedrooms than I do those of sons. I don’t know if I can say girls seem to collect more stuff, but irrespective, here’s the […]

How To Get Your Child To Listen

Posted by on Oct 21, 2019 in Articles, listening | No Comments
How To Get Your Child To Listen

How to get your child to listen is a question that keeps many parents up at night. It’s frustrating when kids simply don’t listen to you, and you end up having to say the same thing over and over again. Here’s a question from Nancy: Hi Annie, I’ve got 3 kids; my oldest is turning […]

Child Behaviour Solutions that Actually Work

Child Behaviour Solutions that Actually Work

Are you looking for child behaviour solutions that actually work? As we approach Thanksgiving, I’ve no doubt there are parents out there trying to drift off to sleep at night with their calm thoughts being interrupted by visions of their preschooler screaming their head off during Thanksgiving dinner. Instead of enjoying warm fuzzies and thoughts […]

How to deal with a picky eater

How to deal with a picky eater

My child is a picky eater. She’s one year old and used to eat anything, but now she refuses to eat meat and vegetables (unless they are green). She could live on pasta and fruit. What should I do? Thanks Rowena Hi Rowena, I understand how frustrating this is for you, and you’re part of […]

What Do You Do With A Child That Says No

What Do You Do With A Child That Says No

Hi Annie. I hope you are having a great day! My question is, “What do you do with a child that says no?” Our son is seven. We taught our kids to believe that they are their own boss. This was mostly to help with bullying, but we told them that they are in control […]

Toilet Training Troubles

Posted by on Jan 7, 2019 in Behaviour advice column, Potty | No Comments
Toilet Training Troubles

Is your child having toilet training troubles? This letter is from a mom in Spain who is having toilet training troubles with her two-year-old and asks what to do with her son, who won’t ask to use the potty on his own. I’ve been on the road to potty training my 34-month-old, and it’s taking […]

I Need Parenting Help!

I Need Parenting Help!

Hi Annie, I live in Chicago, so I am not near you, but maybe you could point me in the direction I need. I have three children. 12, 4, and 16 months old, and I need parenting help!I am a stay-at-home mom that never seems to accomplish anything. My 12-year-old is in school. The four-year-old […]

My Son Won’t Sleep!

My Son Won’t Sleep!

Hi Annie,  My son won’t sleep! He’s 3 1/2 years old and gets up 1–4 times a night, comes into our room, and says, “Mom.” I go back and tuck him in. Sometimes it’s that easy; other times it’s a battle, and he shouts, “I don’t want to go to sleep.” Sometimes he says, “No, […]

My Son Is Very Disrespectful

My Son Is Very Disrespectful

Hi Annie.  My son is very disrespectful to me. He’s 3.5 years old. He roars, swears, and has tantrums at the drop of a hat. He does not act this way toward his father. I am wondering if there is any advice you can give me. We also have a two-year-old boy who is following […]

Child Says Hurtful Things

Child Says Hurtful Things

Would you like to know what to do when your child says hurtful things? One mom below contacted me to tell me that her child says hurtful things. Words can be hurtful, and none more so than when you’re called mean or kids say they hate you. So, if any parent reports that their child […]

My Child Is Narcissistic

Posted by on Jul 27, 2015 in Articles, Being mean, narcissism | No Comments
My Child Is Narcissistic

Are you sitting there in a quiet moment, worrying, “My child is narcissistic?” If you are, you’re not alone, and please don’t feel bad. Narcissism is pretty much everywhere you look. Sometimes we even look up to narcissistic people. They’re the go-getters with high self-esteem who take no prisoners. But is narcissism all it’s cracked […]

How Do You Stop A Child Interrupting

How Do You Stop A Child Interrupting

Dear Annie, I am looking for some advice or suggestions on how to teach my 6-year-old about personal space. He is a very social child and enjoys being around kids, adults, etc., but he always seems to need to get the attention of others. When he arrives at school, he yells, gives hugs, and just […]

How To Handle A Child That Screams

How To Handle A Child That Screams

Annie – I’d like to know how to handle a child that screams. Specifically, my 19-month-old niece has a screaming problem. She will scream for no reason, and it is a piercing scream, and her parents don’t know what to do about it. It is very disruptive, and when we are all having dinner, she […]

My Child Won’t Get Ready For School

My Child Won’t Get Ready For School

Hi Annie, I hope you are having a great day! I have a question for you. I’d really appreciate your advice, as my child won’t get ready for school. He’s 6 years old, and I’m having a hard time getting him to get ready for school every morning. He is very particular about his pants. […]

My Son Won’t Do As He’s Told

My Son Won’t Do As He’s Told

Hello. I have a four-year-old son who is in preschool and has a VERY dominant personality. The bottom line is that my son won’t do as he’s told. He has trouble listening and following the rules. He wants to do things his own way. He has this problem at home as well. He bosses his […]

How Can I Help My Child Overcome Fear

How Can I Help My Child Overcome Fear

Hi Annie, I have a question. How can I help my child overcome fear? Recently, my son has started to get really worried about me. I had to help clean up after a party the other night and left after the fireworks, and my husband put him to bed. He cried for two straight hours, […]

My Child Is Mean To Others

Posted by on Jul 21, 2015 in Anger issues, Being mean | No Comments
My Child Is Mean To Others

Hi Annie, I don’t know what to do because my child is mean to others. Today the teacher pulled me aside and told me that my three-year-old son was taking toys away from other kids and that every time this one little girl would make something out of play dough, he would smash it. She […]

My Toddler Won’t Sleep Alone

My Toddler Won’t Sleep Alone

Hi Annie.  My toddler won’t sleep alone.  I have a twenty month old son and a six month old daughter and we’ve just moved house and given our son his own room for the first time, but the trouble is he hates it.  He used to have his bed in our room and I’ve done […]

My Child Uses Bad Language

My Child Uses Bad Language

Hey Annie, My child uses bad language. I mean, what do you do with a three year old with a dirty mouth? My three-year-old keeps saying the same bad word around family, and it’s super embarrassing. Have you got any suggestions for me? Jenna (Calgary) Hi Jenna, I can understand how embarrassing it is when your […]

How Do I Stop My Child Being Irritating?

How Do I Stop My Child Being Irritating?

Hi Annie How do I stop my child being irritating?  I have two kids. My daughter is nine, and my son is five. I have a problem in that my daughter irritates my son all the time. She doesn’t mean to, but she nags him so much that he just loses his temper and starts […]

I Need Help With My Daughter’s Behaviour

I Need Help With My Daughter’s Behaviour

Hello Annie. I need help with my daughter’s behaviour. I find myself at times screaming and yelling, which is the exact opposite of what I want to do. My girls are very busy and are always into things; they climb on things, and one has now started ripping up her books. I have found that […]

I Can’t Potty Train My Son

Posted by on Jul 20, 2015 in Behaviour advice column, Potty | No Comments
I Can’t Potty Train My Son

Dear Annie, We have a wonderful 3-year-old boy that we are at odds with over potty training. The issue is that I can’t potty train my son, or at least both of us are having difficulty. Both my husband and I have been watching for the typical signs of readiness and thought we were ready. […]

How Do I Change My Baby’s Routine?

How Do I Change My Baby’s Routine?

Hello Annie. I’d like to know, “How do I change my baby’s routine?” In fact, I’m having trouble establishing any kind of routine at all for my 4-month-old son. He does have some semblance of a routine, but it’s very variable. He’s fine with it one week and not the next. His feedings are all […]

I Need Help With My Children’s Behaviour

I Need Help With My Children’s Behaviour

Dear Annie, We are an Indian family living in Bahrain, and I need help with my children’s behaviour.  We have two school-going sons, aged 6+ and 3+ years, and a daughter, aged 3+ months. Our elder son, who is in 2nd standard, is a quiet kid, but he cannot concentrate on what he is doing, […]

Child Has No Respect

Child Has No Respect

Hello Annie, My best friend has adopted a girl from China, and she has no respect. Her daughter is 10 years old now.  She has ADHD, high-functioning autism, and many other diagnoses. She is out of control and has no respect for her mother. Her mother wants to change things, but when this kid doesn’t […]

My Child Is Driving Me Crazy!

My Child Is Driving Me Crazy!

Hi Annie. My child is driving me crazy. My four-year-old daughter’s behaviour is very trying. She hits an awful lot, and although it is playful, it is also hurtful. She has a 15-month-old brother with whom she is very rough, and he enjoys the roughhousing, but of course occasionally he gets hurt. Worse, he has […]

My Child Sleeps With Me

My Child Sleeps With Me

Dear Annie. My child sleeps with me and I don’t know what to do.  But first, congratulations on your website; it is very helpful!  Lately, I am having problems as my 15-month-old son wakes up crying during the night. I initially thought he was experiencing teething pains, but when I picked him up from his […]

I Have An Unhappy Baby

I Have An Unhappy Baby

Hello Annie, We have 17-week-old fraternal twin girls, and I have an unhappy baby. We recently relocated the family to Calgary, where we have no support network or friends, and we appear to be having issues with one of the girls. While twin A is always content and happy (and easy to pacify), twin B […]

How Do I Stop Siblings From Fighting?

How Do I Stop Siblings From Fighting?

Hi Annie. I am a mother of three children, a five-year-old girl and twin three-year-old boys, and my question is, “How do I prevent siblings from fighting?” They are busy and a handful on the best of days. But lately, the boys are wrestling and are now fighting (punching) each other constantly. I don’t know […]

How Do I Get My Child To Sleep By Himself?

How Do I Get My Child To Sleep By Himself?

Hi Annie.  I was looking for some information or insight on the internet when I came across your website as I am constantly trying to figure out “How do I get my child to go to sleep by himself?” My son is 7 years old. He still needs one of us to lay down with […]

My Child Won’t Go To Sleep

My Child Won’t Go To Sleep

I have a problem in that my child won’t go to sleep. We have a 15-month-old who suddenly started hating to go to sleep and won’t stay asleep. He wakes up wailing and distraught, throws his soother and zebra blanket, and reaches out of his crib. He then squirms in your arms to get down. […]

My Child Won’t Stop Hitting People

My Child Won’t Stop Hitting People

Hi Annie, My child won’t stop hitting people. My son turned three a few weeks ago. The one thing we are struggling with is anger. When he gets hurt physically, if he bumps his head or falls down, or emotionally, if another child pushes him or screams at him, he will start to cry and […]

I Hate Crafts

I Hate Crafts

Hi Annie, This may seem like a weird question or comment, I guess, but I feel guilty, but I hate crafts. I’m just no good at them, and they bore me! I get that it’s cold and there’s not much else to do, so we meet with my girlfriends and their kids a lot for […]

I Don’t Want To Yell At My Child

I Don’t Want To Yell At My Child

    Hi Annie,  I don’t want to yell at my child, but I’d like to know how to get my eight-year-old boy to do things without me having to yell at him. It’s not like he didn’t hear me the first time. Hi Lesley, I know what you mean. Many parents say to me, […]

Help My Child Won’t Poop

Help My Child Won’t Poop

Hi Annie Help! My child won’t poop! How do I get my 5-year-old to poop? Doctors say it is behaviour-related, not medical.

How To Help My Child Deal With Change

How To Help My Child Deal With Change

I’d like to know how to my child deal with change? It is soon summer camp season, and my five-year-old son is excited to attend. Last year we found while he LOVES camps, he is always sad to see them end and becomes anxious about the next one- he really likes routine and for things […]

My Child Won’t Sit On The Potty

My Child Won’t Sit On The Potty

Hi Annie, My child won’t sit on the potty. Jade is terrified of the potty and the toilet. If I ask her if she wants to go without a diaper, she has a meltdown. She is genuinely scared, and although I am in no immediate rush to potty train, I would like to try and […]

How To Handle Transitions

How To Handle Transitions

Hi Annie, I’m looking for some advice on how to handle transitions. I will be returning to work from my second maternity leave in March. My main concern is for my 5-year-old daughter. She has really enjoyed me being home, being able to pick her up from kindergarten every day, and just having me at […]

My Child Vomits When Upset.

My Child Vomits When Upset.

Hi Annie, My child vomits when upset. I have three children, ages eight, six, and two and a half, and one of them vomits when upset. On top of that, we are having a lot of issues with all 3 of them, but right now, my biggest issue is that I cannot get my 2 […]

My Child Has Food Allergies

My Child Has Food Allergies

Hi Annie I’ve recently found out that my child has food allergies. He’s five and has high food sensitivities. We have to eliminate dairy, gluten, eggs, and citrus by 95% for the next 3–6 months. My son is very sad to see his favourite foods go. How do I help him process this? We have […]

My Child Bites And Pinches

My Child Bites And Pinches

Hi Annie, My child bites and pinches. She’s 2 years and 3 months old. How do I stop it? Please. Thanks, Sasha Hi Sasha,  That’s a great question, and the answer lies in understanding that your child is entering a new stage. In babyhood, you did everything for your child. You provided love and cuddles and […]

My Son Has Low Self Esteem

My Son Has Low Self Esteem

Hello Annie, My son has low self-esteem. He’s eight.  I always try to tell him how well he does things, yet he does not believe me. He constantly thinks he has to do everything perfect the first time and melts down if he doesn’t. Do you have any solutions or recommend any good books I […]

My Child Won’t Sleep!

My Child Won’t Sleep!

Hi Annie, My child won’t sleep! My daughter is one, and I can’t get her on a decent sleeping schedule. Any suggestions?  Michelle. Hello Michelle,  Thanks for the question. I don’t have a lot of information to go on here, so I’m going to do my best to guess what may be happening to you. One […]

What To Do About Child Clothing Sensitivity

What To Do About Child Clothing Sensitivity

Hello Annie.  My 7-year-old granddaughter is having daily battles with her parents about getting dressed. It’s just that I don’t know what to do about children’s clothing sensitivity. Each day is at least a half-hour of yelling, screaming, and crying. They have purchased the clothes she picks out and “wants,” but it has not helped.

My Kid Won’t Listen!

My Kid Won’t Listen!

Hi Annie, My kid won’t listen. She is 19 months old. She throws her food on the floor after eating and won’t stop no matter what I do. She is starting to hit and won’t say sorry afterwards. She is quite the stubborn cookie! Having said that, she is a great, happy girl. Thanks Rowena. […]

My Two Year Old is Out of Control!

My Two Year Old is Out of Control!

Hi there, Annie. My two-year-old is out of control, so I’m seeking help for my boy, who will be 3 in April. I feel like he’s totally out of control, and I have tried everything I can possibly think of to get him to change. It seems as though he spends most of his day […]

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