Parent With Confidence Not Fear

Posted by on Nov 2, 2019 in Articles, Child Development | No Comments
Parent With Confidence Not Fear

I have a great job though sometimes I have to confess to feeling as though I’m swimming up stream.  The reason I often feel that is that my way of helping parents differs somewhat from the prevailing North American parenting philosophy that’s currently in favour.  What that ideology is we’ll get to later, but one […]

What To Do With A Child That Hits

Posted by on Aug 5, 2015 in Articles, general behaviour, Hitting | No Comments
What To Do With A Child That Hits

If you’re wondering what to do with a child that hits, I just read an article in a parenting magazine that quotes a couple of experts talking about hitting in a way that I think continues some of the sad misconceptions that parents have about children that hit. Unfortunately the parenting advice given was just […]

My Child Won’t Stop Hitting People

My Child Won’t Stop Hitting People

Hi Annie, My child won’t stop hitting people. My son turned three a few weeks ago. The one thing we are struggling with is anger. When he gets hurt physically, if he bumps his head or falls down, or emotionally, if another child pushes him or screams at him, he will start to cry and […]

My Two Year Old is Out of Control!

My Two Year Old is Out of Control!

Hi there, Annie. My two-year-old is out of control, so I’m seeking help for my boy, who will be 3 in April. I feel like he’s totally out of control, and I have tried everything I can possibly think of to get him to change. It seems as though he spends most of his day […]

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