When To Seek Behaviour Intervention

When to seek behaviour intervention is a question that’s guaranteed to keep parents up at night. It’s tough being a parent, and even more difficult to understand when a child’s behaviour has gone beyond the normal ebb and flow of family life and needs intervention. It’s quite normal to worry about when to seek behaviour […]
Why Is My Child Unhappy?

Some children are happy with very little. Some spend a lot of time being miserable, no matter what they have. If you are asking yourself, “Why do I have an unhappy child?” you’ve come to the right place because I’m going to tell you a story that you’ll likely see much of your own struggles […]
These parents need to get their act together!

Hi Annie, Our niece Kaitlyn is about 3 1/2 years old and her parents need to get their act together. She runs the show. Kaitlyn tells her mom and dad what to do. She wants nothing to do with anyone unless she can be the boss; she does not respond to questions from adults (gets […]
My Sons Keep Fighting

Hi Annie, My sons keep fighting! We have a six-year-old and just-turned-three-year-old pair of boys. We are at our wits’ end trying to stamp out their extremely physical play and interactions. Our six-year-old will quietly provoke our three-year-old until there’s a flurry of hitting, kicking, and throwing of objects. Our six year-old then tries to […]
How to deal with aggression

Hi Annie, I’m wondering how to deal with the aggression on the part of my son. My 9-year-old son came home today with a note from his principal and teacher. The teacher listed four aggressive episodes that my son engaged in in the last week and labelled them “violent acts.” I know that every parent […]
How To Handle A Temper Tantrum In Public

Would you like to know how to handle a temper tantrum in public? Let’s first acknowledge that there is nothing worse than having to handle a temper tantrum in public. All those judgmental stares and half-whispered comments just as you’re standing there with your toddler’s arms and legs flailing all over the sidewalk. So if […]
My Son Hits My Daughter

Siblings fighting usually drives most parents up a wall, and getting a question like “What do I do when my son hits my daughter?” is an extremely common parenting question. Usually it’s an odd hit or push there, but sometimes the behaviour becomes extreme, and then it becomes a far bigger parent problem to solve. […]
What To Do When Your Child Gets Hit

Hi Annie, I’m wondering about the best approach when it comes to what to do when your child gets hit by another child. Thanks, Jennifer Hi Jennifer, Being in a situation where your child gets hit by another child happens a lot, yet we often deal in a way that causes even more problems later […]
My Child Is Mean To Others

Hi Annie, I don’t know what to do because my child is mean to others. Today the teacher pulled me aside and told me that my three-year-old son was taking toys away from other kids and that every time this one little girl would make something out of play dough, he would smash it. She […]
Child Has No Respect

Hello Annie, My best friend has adopted a girl from China, and she has no respect. Her daughter is 10 years old now. She has ADHD, high-functioning autism, and many other diagnoses. She is out of control and has no respect for her mother. Her mother wants to change things, but when this kid doesn’t […]
My Child Won’t Stop Hitting People

Hi Annie, My child won’t stop hitting people. My son turned three a few weeks ago. The one thing we are struggling with is anger. When he gets hurt physically, if he bumps his head or falls down, or emotionally, if another child pushes him or screams at him, he will start to cry and […]