Why Gentle Parenting Will Make You and the Kids Miserable.

Coming right out and not only telling people that a particular parenting style doesn’t work but also why gentle parenting will make you and the kids miserable needs some explanation, I admit. Let’s start with this. A 12- to 15-month-old toddler slaps her mom right in the face. A third person captures mom’s startled but […]
My Sons Keep Fighting

Hi Annie, My sons keep fighting! We have a six-year-old and just-turned-three-year-old pair of boys. We are at our wits’ end trying to stamp out their extremely physical play and interactions. Our six-year-old will quietly provoke our three-year-old until there’s a flurry of hitting, kicking, and throwing of objects. Our six year-old then tries to […]
My Son Hits My Daughter

Siblings fighting usually drives most parents up a wall, and getting a question like “What do I do when my son hits my daughter?” is an extremely common parenting question. Usually it’s an odd hit or push there, but sometimes the behaviour becomes extreme, and then it becomes a far bigger parent problem to solve. […]
What To Do When Your Child Gets Hit

Hi Annie, I’m wondering about the best approach when it comes to what to do when your child gets hit by another child. Thanks, Jennifer Hi Jennifer, Being in a situation where your child gets hit by another child happens a lot, yet we often deal in a way that causes even more problems later […]
My Child Is Driving Me Crazy!

Hi Annie. My child is driving me crazy. My four-year-old daughter’s behaviour is very trying. She hits an awful lot, and although it is playful, it is also hurtful. She has a 15-month-old brother with whom she is very rough, and he enjoys the roughhousing, but of course occasionally he gets hurt. Worse, he has […]
My Child Won’t Stop Hitting People

Hi Annie, My child won’t stop hitting people. My son turned three a few weeks ago. The one thing we are struggling with is anger. When he gets hurt physically, if he bumps his head or falls down, or emotionally, if another child pushes him or screams at him, he will start to cry and […]