The Invisible ‘V’: The Elephant in the Room:
The invisible ‘V’: The Elephant in the Room
Do you like puzzles? Well, I’ve got one right here for you. There’s a cryptic contagion out there. An ailment that’s lurking behind corners is making everyone sick. What could it be? It’s the invisible ‘V’: the elephant in the room. Everyone knows something is there, but they just can’t see it. Reddit posts are full of questioning sentiments about why everyone is so sick. It’s summer, for goodness sake. Hmm, what could it be? What could be making everyone so ill, making us sweat it out in bed, or trying to keep the kids busy while nursing a fever, when we should all be enjoying summer on the beach, letting the kids play in the sand? Why are the kids suddenly suffering from one infection after another? It just doesn’t make sense, right? Well, that’s the trouble with the elephants that lurk in the room. They’re so enormous and so obvious that we all have to make a concerted effort not to see them.
The Invisible V: The Elephant in the Room or Why we’re Ignoring the Obvious
Now, why would that be? Why, oh, why would we not want to see something that’s hurting us and our children “time after time,” as the song by Cyndi Louper goes? Well, because if we saw it, we might have to start putting two and two together, and then, oh no, we might arrive at four, and that’s precisely what they don’t want us to be doing. You see, ‘they’ by that, I mean our governments and corporations. They found out something very interesting when they locked us down. They learned it was expensive. Everything ground to a halt, remember? Animals started reclaiming areas where humans usually tread because economic activity dried up. Governments had to print money to give us; they had to pay places not to open. It was very expensive, and that was a lesson they took notice of. That’s what gets the attention of our rulers. They always notice when the money stops flowing.
Then along came a group called the Great Barrington Declaration that was funded by a lot of very wealthy people who run the very corporations that were suffering. They declared we didn’t have to worry anymore because the virus could be stopped with something called ‘herd immunity,’ the idea that once you got infected, the virus would get nicer and nicer, less and less acute until it was so benign you could have dinner with it and invite it to bed with you. That declaration was supported by the American Institute for Economic Research, a libertarian, free-market think tank headquartered in western Massachusetts, and you just have to follow the Latin term “Cui bono” to see who benefits most from making a virus become an invisible virus. But they were wrong. Deadly wrong, as the evidence now shows.
The Invisible ‘V:’ The Elephant in the Room or the Word That Cannot be Uttered.
But the invisible ‘V’: The elephant in the room is so far, one area that I’ve stayed away from. It’s a subject like Voldemort of Harry Potter fame where his name can’t even be mentioned, and there is often a visceral reaction to suggesting it. That means it’s like a red rag to a bull, as far as I’m concerned. Why? Because this terrible thing that can’t be mentioned is having a horrible effect on our kids. It is that literal elephant in the room, and that elephant is busy knocking over the tea cups, the chairs, and gobbling the cake, yet the powers at be keep silent. And because they are silent, everyone is silent.
The Invisible V: The Elephant in the Room: The Real Reason we Ignore it.
Tell people there’s a virus lurking, and all sorts of troubles happen. People demand clean air, and corporations and the government have to start cleaning it, which costs them money. People don’t want to go into dangerous work environments unprotected, so businesses have to pay them more to take the risk. Teachers want to teach online because it’s safer and kids lives are disrupted. Everything is disrupted, but most importantly, commerce is disrupted, and nothing should ever disrupt that.
So when we’re told what we want to hear—that the virus has gone away—we rejoice, we tear off the bonds of our masks, and we celebrate! It’s over! Life can go back to normal! Our rulers stopped mentioning it. You see? The Invisible V: The elephant in the room isn’t there, folks. They couldn’t afford to take precautions, so why not just double down on the lie? So that’s what they did. There’s nothing to see. Look away! It’s a cold. That’s what people want to hear, they argue. They’re tired of hearing about the invisible V. They want it gone.
The Invisible V: The Elephant in the Room: Oh Look, Things Aren’t Working.
Your child is sporting a nasty fever, but you can’t get a doctor’s appointment for at least two weeks. Maybe you take your child to the ER and wait for hours for an understaffed unit nurse to even notice you. Where are all the doctors and nurses, you wonder? Oh, they’re sick, say our health departments—many more than usual. I wonder why. You were so grateful your local school stopped online learning, and your child loved being back in person, but they were sick a lot this past year. It seemed like they were always sick. Not only that, but half the class didn’t show up. The school toyed with the idea of fining the parents because attendance was so poor. Things just don’t seem to be working properly anymore. You could say things are getting ‘dysfunctional.’ You think maybe you’ll cheer yourself up and go see some live music. Wait a minute. Didn’t a whole lot of people get sick watching Taylor Swift? Oh, look now, the artist you’ve loved forever has just cancelled. You don’t know when you’ll get to see that artist again.
Our leaders dismiss and stay silent on overwhelming evidence. We can’t change now, they think. We’d look stupid. People would ask why we lied and why we put them in danger. They’d ask uncomfortable questions. Why didn’t we place hepa filters in schools? It would have been so simple. They’d demand our heads for the death and destruction we’ve caused. They’d cost us money. We can’t have that! We’ll protect ourselves and our reputations, and just tell them it’s ok. No one will ever know.
Have you ever noticed Davos, the playground of the elite, has Hepa filters and infrared virus killers everywhere? Everyone is relentlessly tested. Everyone is protected. Just not you.
The Invisible ‘V’: The Elephant in the Room: Why we Need to Acknowledge it
Ok, so now you’re wondering what to do? Why did I tell you all this? I tell you because I know you care. If you come to this site, you want what’s best for your kids. If you do that, then I believe wholeheartedly that you can handle the truth. I believe you’ll read it even if, up until now, you’ve swallowed their lies.
The people who contact me on my website do so because they care deeply and want to truly understand the reasons behind their children’s challenging behaviour. They don’t mind facing reality because they care more about their child than the hurt they feel that they might have caused. We all make mistakes as parents, but to admit things aren’t going well takes guts, and I really marvel at their determination to make things better.
The Invisible ‘V’: The Elephant in the Room. How it Started
How can we have become so complicit in our own destruction? Well, let me explain. When the invisible V popped up in people’s lives around 2020, it kind of ruined things. Things were a long way from normal. People couldn’t kiss their granny in the home. Funerals were made even more miserable than they usually are because nobody could hug. Nurses danced online, stores and restaurants were shuttered, and everyone was induced to spend weeks on the couch. Then, ah ha, there came a vaccine. Our health official here in BC did a little dance. Everything could go back to normal.
Then two camps began to spring up. These camps were completely ideological and remain so to this day. There is no wondering away from their particular script. Each was a classic example of black-and-white thinking. There were those who readily rolled their sleeves in the confident belief that this vaccine would be like every other and they’d be home free, and then there were those who said, Not on your life, thanks, but no thanks. As time went on, both sides became more entrenched, and they couldn’t even begin to entertain facets of the other’s point of view. Now we have distinct groups that have moved into and through the following categories and frequently get stuck on one or other.
The disease doesn’t exist, and I don’t want to hear anything about it.
The disease does exist, but it’s a cold.
The disease is dangerous, but take a vaccine, and you’ll be good to go.
The disease doesn’t exist, and it’s the vaccine that’s killing people.
The vaccine is brilliant, and it’s the disease that’s killing people.
The Invisible ‘V’: The Elephant in the Room: How it’s going
Yes, that’s right, it’s black and white, just like everything else in your life. Your kid is all good or all bad. Your boss is a complete ass or the second coming of Christ. Your birthday dinner is spectacular, and everything deserves a Michelin star, or it sucks. Come on, people, life is not black and white. It’s shades of grey. I know that, and so do you. Why does mention of the invisible V cause people such distress? It’s because of the consequences. Just like the people that come to me have the guts to face what’s wrong with their kids, in order to truly take your blinders off the possibility of what the invisible V is doing, you have to have guts. You have to face something that you might not like. Something that makes you feel out of control and threatens you and your children.
This lady who wrote the article I present above has referenced everything. There’s more up-to-date science in there than you can even begin to fathom. She’s sourced everything brilliantly, and if you can read it, you should. Here’s the link again. Make it a measure of your willingness to see the shades of grey, even if you don’t want to. Whatever camp you are in, you should understand the extent of what it is you are ignoring.
I help parents with their kids, and I know a mass disabling event when I see it. Neurologists are speaking out about how the Invisible ‘V’: The Elephant in the Room is affecting the brain. Teachers are at a loss to understand what is happening with kids who can’t learn and who can’t do simple tasks. We are risking an entire generation, and yet most people can’t even mention the name of the word that disables and sickens their kids. Our health leaders could act, but they don’t. They don’t clean the air in schools, and they don’t advocate for wearing masks. They hide the disease and tell people it’s gone; it’s just a cold and nothing to worry about. They have made the decision to allow it to disable their populations, slowly and insidiously, hiding their malevolence under the banner of protecting personal freedom.
And now we don’t even have the ability to monitor the invisible ‘V’—the elephant in the room. The testing requirements, the requirement to stay home when ill, and the reporting have stopped. That’s not because it’s gone, but because knowing how many are killed and disabled by it is a far bigger threat to the world order—to you going to your job, to you sending your child to school. Your awakening threatens commerce at its core.
At some point, this will become obvious. We cannot take in enough people to mask the ones we are sickening. COVID attacks every system and every organ. People we rely on are getting brain fog. You could go to a hospital and find out that you’ve been made sicker than you were because of a medical error. There are more accidents, and people are angrier as some suffer from brain inflammation, which messes with their emotional responses. The plane you go on, you can no longer rely on. Wheels fall off, doors open. Every day, more people are sidelined by health issues that can no longer be addressed by the system. It will come for you and your kids unless you awaken to its dangers. This is the biggest and most epic ostrich head-burying exercise in our entire history. Don’t fall prey to it.
I have nothing to gain by warning you. On the contrary, even mentioning Invisible V: The Elephant in the Room is likely to send some of my readers running. But if you’ve had trouble reading this, when you lie in bed at night, consider my words and find the resolve to read the article I’ve pointed out for the sake of you and your children. Show bravery today for their future tomorrow, just like the people who contact me for behaviour issues. Be your child’s hero, and yes, it might mean you have to face the fact that maybe you should have taken Invisible V more seriously than you have or done something different.
But be comforted by the fact by the fact that admitting a mistake is the first step toward courage. Do not let them down. Your kids are counting on you.
Need help? Check out my Behaviour Intervention Service.
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