When To Seek Behaviour Intervention

When to seek behaviour intervention is a question that’s guaranteed to keep parents up at night. It’s tough being a parent, and even more difficult to understand when a child’s behaviour has gone beyond the normal ebb and flow of family life and needs intervention. It’s quite normal to worry about when to seek behaviour […]
These parents need to get their act together!

Hi Annie, Our niece Kaitlyn is about 3 1/2 years old and her parents need to get their act together. She runs the show. Kaitlyn tells her mom and dad what to do. She wants nothing to do with anyone unless she can be the boss; she does not respond to questions from adults (gets […]
My Sons Keep Fighting

Hi Annie, My sons keep fighting! We have a six-year-old and just-turned-three-year-old pair of boys. We are at our wits’ end trying to stamp out their extremely physical play and interactions. Our six-year-old will quietly provoke our three-year-old until there’s a flurry of hitting, kicking, and throwing of objects. Our six year-old then tries to […]
Parenting The Strong Willed Child

Would you like to know how to parent the strong-willed child? Parenting a strong-willed child is not easy, but I’m going to tell you something wonderful. Even though you may not feel it at times, you’re lucky. You see, I understand. If you’re the parent of a strong-willed or otherwise challenging child, it’s easy to […]
How to deal with a picky eater

My child is a picky eater. She’s one year old and used to eat anything, but now she refuses to eat meat and vegetables (unless they are green). She could live on pasta and fruit. What should I do? Thanks Rowena Hi Rowena, I understand how frustrating this is for you, and you’re part of […]
My Son Won’t Sleep!

Hi Annie, My son won’t sleep! He’s 3 1/2 years old and gets up 1–4 times a night, comes into our room, and says, “Mom.” I go back and tuck him in. Sometimes it’s that easy; other times it’s a battle, and he shouts, “I don’t want to go to sleep.” Sometimes he says, “No, […]
How Can I Get My Child To Behave?

The Key To Making a Real Parenting Plan – Understanding Reality. If you’re dealing with multiple temper tantrums and challenging behaviour and you’re asking, “How can I get my child to behave?” then I have a question for you. Firstly, do you believe in magic? Do you think gnomes live under trees in your yard? […]
How Do You Stop A Child Interrupting

Dear Annie, I am looking for some advice or suggestions on how to teach my 6-year-old about personal space. He is a very social child and enjoys being around kids, adults, etc., but he always seems to need to get the attention of others. When he arrives at school, he yells, gives hugs, and just […]
How To Handle A Child That Screams

Annie – I’d like to know how to handle a child that screams. Specifically, my 19-month-old niece has a screaming problem. She will scream for no reason, and it is a piercing scream, and her parents don’t know what to do about it. It is very disruptive, and when we are all having dinner, she […]
How Can I Help My Child Overcome Fear

Hi Annie, I have a question. How can I help my child overcome fear? Recently, my son has started to get really worried about me. I had to help clean up after a party the other night and left after the fireworks, and my husband put him to bed. He cried for two straight hours, […]
My Toddler Won’t Sleep Alone

Hi Annie. My toddler won’t sleep alone. I have a twenty month old son and a six month old daughter and we’ve just moved house and given our son his own room for the first time, but the trouble is he hates it. He used to have his bed in our room and I’ve done […]
Child Has No Respect

Hello Annie, My best friend has adopted a girl from China, and she has no respect. Her daughter is 10 years old now. She has ADHD, high-functioning autism, and many other diagnoses. She is out of control and has no respect for her mother. Her mother wants to change things, but when this kid doesn’t […]
My Child Is Driving Me Crazy!

Hi Annie. My child is driving me crazy. My four-year-old daughter’s behaviour is very trying. She hits an awful lot, and although it is playful, it is also hurtful. She has a 15-month-old brother with whom she is very rough, and he enjoys the roughhousing, but of course occasionally he gets hurt. Worse, he has […]
I Have An Unhappy Baby

Hello Annie, We have 17-week-old fraternal twin girls, and I have an unhappy baby. We recently relocated the family to Calgary, where we have no support network or friends, and we appear to be having issues with one of the girls. While twin A is always content and happy (and easy to pacify), twin B […]
How To Help My Child Deal With Change

I’d like to know how to my child deal with change? It is soon summer camp season, and my five-year-old son is excited to attend. Last year we found while he LOVES camps, he is always sad to see them end and becomes anxious about the next one- he really likes routine and for things […]
My Child Won’t Sit On The Potty

Hi Annie, My child won’t sit on the potty. Jade is terrified of the potty and the toilet. If I ask her if she wants to go without a diaper, she has a meltdown. She is genuinely scared, and although I am in no immediate rush to potty train, I would like to try and […]
What To Do About Child Clothing Sensitivity

Hello Annie. My 7-year-old granddaughter is having daily battles with her parents about getting dressed. It’s just that I don’t know what to do about children’s clothing sensitivity. Each day is at least a half-hour of yelling, screaming, and crying. They have purchased the clothes she picks out and “wants,” but it has not helped.