My Child Hates The Car Seat

My Child Hates The Car Seat

Hi Annie, How are you? I hope you had a good Christmas. I have a problem in that my child hates the car seat. She’s two.  Every time we go on a trip, she screams that she wants out. We’ve tried various ways to help her enjoy the trip, such as car snacks, toys, and […]

My Child Whines

My Child Whines

Hi Annie, My child whines. In fact both my kids have a real problem with whining. When my daughter went through it, I thought it was a stage and it would stop by itself, but it hasn’t. She’s now five, and my son is copying the habit, and he’s only two. I’m a single mom, […]

How to Build Climate Change Resilience in Children

Posted by on Jul 5, 2021 in Articles, resilience | No Comments
How to Build Climate Change Resilience in Children

Take a look at this lettuce.  Growing against all odds in a less than easy environment.  If you want to learn how to build climate change resilience in children, then you need to teach your children the skills necessary to adapt and thrive in what looks to be an increasingly hostile world.  We’ve all had […]

Why Raising a Resilient Child Matters

Posted by on Jan 3, 2021 in Articles, resilience | No Comments
Why Raising a Resilient Child Matters

So, if you want to know why raising a resilient child matters, ask yourself this: Are you planning to live forever? No?  Oh, I’m glad we got that out of the way. That’s because if you don’t plan to live forever or, frankly, aren’t able to, that means your children will have to fend for […]

My Child Feels Left Out

My Child Feels Left Out

When any parent says my child feels left out I feel for them.  Theres no doubt that watching your child being left out of the play is heartbreaking.  All parents want the best for their child and when your child is purposely left out by others, it reminds us of our own painful experiences that […]

How Do I Improve My Child’s Imagination?

How Do I Improve My Child’s Imagination?

For those of us who had imaginative childhoods, I’m sure one of the biggest questions on any parent’s mind is, “How do I improve my child’s imagination?” To me, there is nothing more beautiful than the imagination of a child. When I was little, in elementary school, I wanted to fly. The dream of flight […]

A Parent’s Guide To Building Resilience

A Parent’s Guide To Building Resilience

I’ve decided to write this article, a parent’s guide to building resilience in children, because I believe the way we teach resilience now, focused primarily on older age groups, will have long-term impacts on the health of our children. I’ve lost count of the number of articles I’ve read about the importance of developing resilience, […]

The Trouble with Online Parenting Advice

The Trouble with Online Parenting Advice

So what’s the trouble with online parenting advice?   Looking for online parenting advice?  Sounds fair enough.  So what’s the trouble with online parenting advice? After all, what’s wrong with reaching out for guidance at the end of a night with the kids and looking for help, particularly when any parent I know would much […]

Ways To Teach Resilience

Posted by on Jul 26, 2015 in Articles, resilience | No Comments
Ways To Teach Resilience

Every time I think about climate change, I think about Calgary and the floods that ravaged the community in 2013. I have the same thoughts about the BC flood of 2021, from which many communities still haven’t recovered. As I remember how all those flooded areas looked, I think of how the community came together […]

How To Stop Being A Hovering Parent

Posted by on Jul 26, 2015 in Child Development, handling risk | No Comments
How To Stop Being A Hovering Parent

If you asked a random group of parents in a room, many, if not most, would admit they hover. They’re often uncomfortable doing it but feel they have no other option. So the question is, “How to stop being a hovering parent?” A lot of hovering is actually motivated by fear. Fear of condemnation by […]

Ways To Make Your Child Happy

Ways To Make Your Child Happy

Like any parent, I’m sure you want to know ways to make your child happy. The answer is really quite simple. It’s actually one simple secret, but let me set the stage for you. Recently, I came back from holidays in Europe, where I went to Holland to see and be with all my husband’s […]

Is Risk Taking Good?

Is Risk Taking Good?

Asking the question, “Is risk-taking good for kids?” is critical to changing our society’s paranoid perspective on risk. The bottom line is that if there’s something in our society that we need to change quickly for the health of our children, it’s our perception of children and risk. I don’t know about you, but I […]

How Can I Help My Child Overcome Fear

How Can I Help My Child Overcome Fear

Hi Annie, I have a question. How can I help my child overcome fear? Recently, my son has started to get really worried about me. I had to help clean up after a party the other night and left after the fireworks, and my husband put him to bed. He cried for two straight hours, […]

My Toddler Won’t Sleep Alone

My Toddler Won’t Sleep Alone

Hi Annie.  My toddler won’t sleep alone.  I have a twenty month old son and a six month old daughter and we’ve just moved house and given our son his own room for the first time, but the trouble is he hates it.  He used to have his bed in our room and I’ve done […]

I Hate Crafts

I Hate Crafts

Hi Annie, This may seem like a weird question or comment, I guess, but I feel guilty, but I hate crafts. I’m just no good at them, and they bore me! I get that it’s cold and there’s not much else to do, so we meet with my girlfriends and their kids a lot for […]

How To Help My Child Deal With Change

How To Help My Child Deal With Change

I’d like to know how to my child deal with change? It is soon summer camp season, and my five-year-old son is excited to attend. Last year we found while he LOVES camps, he is always sad to see them end and becomes anxious about the next one- he really likes routine and for things […]

How To Handle Transitions

How To Handle Transitions

Hi Annie, I’m looking for some advice on how to handle transitions. I will be returning to work from my second maternity leave in March. My main concern is for my 5-year-old daughter. She has really enjoyed me being home, being able to pick her up from kindergarten every day, and just having me at […]

My Child Has Food Allergies

My Child Has Food Allergies

Hi Annie I’ve recently found out that my child has food allergies. He’s five and has high food sensitivities. We have to eliminate dairy, gluten, eggs, and citrus by 95% for the next 3–6 months. My son is very sad to see his favourite foods go. How do I help him process this? We have […]

What To Do About Child Clothing Sensitivity

What To Do About Child Clothing Sensitivity

Hello Annie.  My 7-year-old granddaughter is having daily battles with her parents about getting dressed. It’s just that I don’t know what to do about children’s clothing sensitivity. Each day is at least a half-hour of yelling, screaming, and crying. They have purchased the clothes she picks out and “wants,” but it has not helped.

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