I Need Some Sleep!
Hi Annie, I need some sleep! We have an almost 5-year-old girl and a 9-month-old girl. With our oldest, we were guilty of letting her “cuddle” in our bed, often with the three of us falling back to sleep. Before our baby was born, we worked very hard to get her to sleep in her […]
I Can’t Get My Toddler To Sleep
Dear Annie. I can’t get my toddler to sleep! Our 13-month-old son started at a day home 3 weeks ago when I went back to work, and he does not seem to be adjusting very well. He cries and cries, and he won’t take any naps there, so he is exhausted when we pick him […]
I Need A Good Night’s Sleep
Hello Annie. Help! I need a good night’s sleep! I have a baby boy who will be 6 months old on January 31, and he is my first child. “What do you do about sleep?” is my question, and I’m not sure if you work with babies this young. My husband and I have read […]
My Son Won’t Sleep!
Hi Annie, My son won’t sleep! He’s 3 1/2 years old and gets up 1–4 times a night, comes into our room, and says, “Mom.” I go back and tuck him in. Sometimes it’s that easy; other times it’s a battle, and he shouts, “I don’t want to go to sleep.” Sometimes he says, “No, […]
My Toddler Won’t Sleep Alone
Hi Annie. My toddler won’t sleep alone. I have a twenty month old son and a six month old daughter and we’ve just moved house and given our son his own room for the first time, but the trouble is he hates it. He used to have his bed in our room and I’ve done […]
My Child Sleeps With Me
Dear Annie. My child sleeps with me and I don’t know what to do. But first, congratulations on your website; it is very helpful! Lately, I am having problems as my 15-month-old son wakes up crying during the night. I initially thought he was experiencing teething pains, but when I picked him up from his […]
My Child Won’t Go To Sleep
I have a problem in that my child won’t go to sleep. We have a 15-month-old who suddenly started hating to go to sleep and won’t stay asleep. He wakes up wailing and distraught, throws his soother and zebra blanket, and reaches out of his crib. He then squirms in your arms to get down. […]
My Child Vomits When Upset.
Hi Annie, My child vomits when upset. I have three children, ages eight, six, and two and a half, and one of them vomits when upset. On top of that, we are having a lot of issues with all 3 of them, but right now, my biggest issue is that I cannot get my 2 […]