These parents need to get their act together!

These parents need to get their act together!

Hi Annie, Our niece Kaitlyn is about 3 1/2 years old and her parents need to get their act together. She runs the show. Kaitlyn tells her mom and dad what to do.  She wants nothing to do with anyone unless she can be the boss; she does not respond to questions from adults (gets […]

I Need Some Sleep!

Posted by on Feb 1, 2021 in sleeping or sleep issues | No Comments
I Need Some Sleep!

Hi Annie, I need some sleep! We have an almost 5-year-old girl and a 9-month-old girl. With our oldest, we were guilty of letting her “cuddle” in our bed, often with the three of us falling back to sleep. Before our baby was born, we worked very hard to get her to sleep in her […]

I Can’t Get My Toddler To Sleep

I Can’t Get My Toddler To Sleep

Dear Annie. I can’t get my toddler to sleep! Our 13-month-old son started at a day home 3 weeks ago when I went back to work, and he does not seem to be adjusting very well. He cries and cries, and he won’t take any naps there, so he is exhausted when we pick him […]

I Need A Good Night’s Sleep

I Need A Good Night’s Sleep

Hello Annie.  Help! I need a good night’s sleep! I have a baby boy who will be 6 months old on January 31, and he is my first child. “What do you do about sleep?” is my question, and I’m not sure if you work with babies this young. My husband and I have read […]

How To Stop Nighttime Tantrums

How To Stop Nighttime Tantrums

How to stop nighttime tantrums. When you’re faced with a question like how to stop nighttime tantrums, it’s likely you’re already exhausted. You’ve probably been up night after night, wishing and hoping that for just once your child would finally go to sleep without it being an enormous battle each time. Well, take heart; you’re […]

My Son Hits My Daughter

My Son Hits My Daughter

Siblings fighting usually drives most parents up a wall, and getting a question like “What do I do when my son hits my daughter?” is an extremely common parenting question. Usually it’s an odd hit or push there, but sometimes the behaviour becomes extreme, and then it becomes a far bigger parent problem to solve. […]

How Do I Change My Baby’s Routine?

How Do I Change My Baby’s Routine?

Hello Annie. I’d like to know, “How do I change my baby’s routine?” In fact, I’m having trouble establishing any kind of routine at all for my 4-month-old son. He does have some semblance of a routine, but it’s very variable. He’s fine with it one week and not the next. His feedings are all […]

I Have An Unhappy Baby

I Have An Unhappy Baby

Hello Annie, We have 17-week-old fraternal twin girls, and I have an unhappy baby. We recently relocated the family to Calgary, where we have no support network or friends, and we appear to be having issues with one of the girls. While twin A is always content and happy (and easy to pacify), twin B […]

How Do I Get My Child To Sleep By Himself?

How Do I Get My Child To Sleep By Himself?

Hi Annie.  I was looking for some information or insight on the internet when I came across your website as I am constantly trying to figure out “How do I get my child to go to sleep by himself?” My son is 7 years old. He still needs one of us to lay down with […]

My Child Won’t Go To Sleep

My Child Won’t Go To Sleep

I have a problem in that my child won’t go to sleep. We have a 15-month-old who suddenly started hating to go to sleep and won’t stay asleep. He wakes up wailing and distraught, throws his soother and zebra blanket, and reaches out of his crib. He then squirms in your arms to get down. […]

My Child Vomits When Upset.

My Child Vomits When Upset.

Hi Annie, My child vomits when upset. I have three children, ages eight, six, and two and a half, and one of them vomits when upset. On top of that, we are having a lot of issues with all 3 of them, but right now, my biggest issue is that I cannot get my 2 […]

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