When To Seek Behaviour Intervention

When To Seek Behaviour Intervention

When to seek behaviour intervention is a question that’s guaranteed to keep parents up at night. It’s tough being a parent, and even more difficult to understand when a child’s behaviour has gone beyond the normal ebb and flow of family life and needs intervention. It’s quite normal to worry about when to seek behaviour […]

Why Gentle Parenting Will Make You and the Kids Miserable.

Why Gentle Parenting Will Make You and the Kids Miserable.

Coming right out and not only telling people that a particular parenting style doesn’t work but also why gentle parenting will make you and the kids miserable needs some explanation, I admit. Let’s start with this.  A 12- to 15-month-old toddler slaps her mom right in the face. A third person captures mom’s startled but […]

#1 Biggest Parenting Mistake

#1 Biggest Parenting Mistake

Seeing an article with the words “#1 Biggest Parenting Mistake” has got to be scary. Suddenly you think, “Yikes! Am I doing that?” Maybe you rush to click on the link, or maybe you don’t, scared by the real possibility that whatever it is, you might be doing it. Maybe you’re afraid of waking up […]

Why Is My Child Unhappy?

Why Is My Child Unhappy?

Some children are happy with very little. Some spend a lot of time being miserable, no matter what they have. If you are asking yourself, “Why do I have an unhappy child?” you’ve come to the right place because I’m going to tell you a story that you’ll likely see much of your own struggles […]

My Child Hates The Car Seat

My Child Hates The Car Seat

Hi Annie, How are you? I hope you had a good Christmas. I have a problem in that my child hates the car seat. She’s two.  Every time we go on a trip, she screams that she wants out. We’ve tried various ways to help her enjoy the trip, such as car snacks, toys, and […]

These parents need to get their act together!

These parents need to get their act together!

Hi Annie, Our niece Kaitlyn is about 3 1/2 years old and her parents need to get their act together. She runs the show. Kaitlyn tells her mom and dad what to do.  She wants nothing to do with anyone unless she can be the boss; she does not respond to questions from adults (gets […]

My Child Whines

My Child Whines

Hi Annie, My child whines. In fact both my kids have a real problem with whining. When my daughter went through it, I thought it was a stage and it would stop by itself, but it hasn’t. She’s now five, and my son is copying the habit, and he’s only two. I’m a single mom, […]

Parenting The Strong Willed Child

Parenting The Strong Willed Child

Would you like to know how to parent the strong-willed child? Parenting a strong-willed child is not easy, but I’m going to tell you something wonderful. Even though you may not feel it at times, you’re lucky. You see, I understand. If you’re the parent of a strong-willed or otherwise challenging child, it’s easy to […]

How To Get Your Child To Listen

Posted by on Oct 21, 2019 in Articles, listening | No Comments
How To Get Your Child To Listen

How to get your child to listen is a question that keeps many parents up at night. It’s frustrating when kids simply don’t listen to you, and you end up having to say the same thing over and over again. Here’s a question from Nancy: Hi Annie, I’ve got 3 kids; my oldest is turning […]

What Do You Do With A Child That Says No

What Do You Do With A Child That Says No

Hi Annie. I hope you are having a great day! My question is, “What do you do with a child that says no?” Our son is seven. We taught our kids to believe that they are their own boss. This was mostly to help with bullying, but we told them that they are in control […]

My Son Is Very Disrespectful

My Son Is Very Disrespectful

Hi Annie.  My son is very disrespectful to me. He’s 3.5 years old. He roars, swears, and has tantrums at the drop of a hat. He does not act this way toward his father. I am wondering if there is any advice you can give me. We also have a two-year-old boy who is following […]

My Son Hits My Daughter

My Son Hits My Daughter

Siblings fighting usually drives most parents up a wall, and getting a question like “What do I do when my son hits my daughter?” is an extremely common parenting question. Usually it’s an odd hit or push there, but sometimes the behaviour becomes extreme, and then it becomes a far bigger parent problem to solve. […]

Ways To Teach Resilience

Posted by on Jul 26, 2015 in Articles, resilience | No Comments
Ways To Teach Resilience

Every time I think about climate change, I think about Calgary and the floods that ravaged the community in 2013. I have the same thoughts about the BC flood of 2021, from which many communities still haven’t recovered. As I remember how all those flooded areas looked, I think of how the community came together […]

What To Do When Your Child Gets Hit

What To Do When Your Child Gets Hit

Hi Annie, I’m wondering about the best approach when it comes to what to do when your child gets hit by another child. Thanks, Jennifer Hi Jennifer,  Being in a situation where your child gets hit by another child happens a lot, yet we often deal in a way that causes even more problems later […]

How Do You Stop A Child Interrupting

How Do You Stop A Child Interrupting

Dear Annie, I am looking for some advice or suggestions on how to teach my 6-year-old about personal space. He is a very social child and enjoys being around kids, adults, etc., but he always seems to need to get the attention of others. When he arrives at school, he yells, gives hugs, and just […]

My Child Won’t Get Ready For School

My Child Won’t Get Ready For School

Hi Annie, I hope you are having a great day! I have a question for you. I’d really appreciate your advice, as my child won’t get ready for school. He’s 6 years old, and I’m having a hard time getting him to get ready for school every morning. He is very particular about his pants. […]

How Can I Help My Child Overcome Fear

How Can I Help My Child Overcome Fear

Hi Annie, I have a question. How can I help my child overcome fear? Recently, my son has started to get really worried about me. I had to help clean up after a party the other night and left after the fireworks, and my husband put him to bed. He cried for two straight hours, […]

How Do I Stop My Child Being Irritating?

How Do I Stop My Child Being Irritating?

Hi Annie How do I stop my child being irritating?  I have two kids. My daughter is nine, and my son is five. I have a problem in that my daughter irritates my son all the time. She doesn’t mean to, but she nags him so much that he just loses his temper and starts […]

I Need Help With My Children’s Behaviour

I Need Help With My Children’s Behaviour

Dear Annie, We are an Indian family living in Bahrain, and I need help with my children’s behaviour.  We have two school-going sons, aged 6+ and 3+ years, and a daughter, aged 3+ months. Our elder son, who is in 2nd standard, is a quiet kid, but he cannot concentrate on what he is doing, […]

My Child Is Driving Me Crazy!

My Child Is Driving Me Crazy!

Hi Annie. My child is driving me crazy. My four-year-old daughter’s behaviour is very trying. She hits an awful lot, and although it is playful, it is also hurtful. She has a 15-month-old brother with whom she is very rough, and he enjoys the roughhousing, but of course occasionally he gets hurt. Worse, he has […]

How Do I Stop Siblings From Fighting?

How Do I Stop Siblings From Fighting?

Hi Annie. I am a mother of three children, a five-year-old girl and twin three-year-old boys, and my question is, “How do I prevent siblings from fighting?” They are busy and a handful on the best of days. But lately, the boys are wrestling and are now fighting (punching) each other constantly. I don’t know […]

My Child Bites And Pinches

My Child Bites And Pinches

Hi Annie, My child bites and pinches. She’s 2 years and 3 months old. How do I stop it? Please. Thanks, Sasha Hi Sasha,  That’s a great question, and the answer lies in understanding that your child is entering a new stage. In babyhood, you did everything for your child. You provided love and cuddles and […]

What To Do About Child Clothing Sensitivity

What To Do About Child Clothing Sensitivity

Hello Annie.  My 7-year-old granddaughter is having daily battles with her parents about getting dressed. It’s just that I don’t know what to do about children’s clothing sensitivity. Each day is at least a half-hour of yelling, screaming, and crying. They have purchased the clothes she picks out and “wants,” but it has not helped.

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