My Sons Keep Fighting

My Sons Keep Fighting

Hi Annie, My sons keep fighting! We have a six-year-old and just-turned-three-year-old pair of boys. We are at our wits’ end trying to stamp out their extremely physical play and interactions. Our six-year-old will quietly provoke our three-year-old until there’s a flurry of hitting, kicking, and throwing of objects. Our six year-old then tries to […]

Child Says Hurtful Things

Child Says Hurtful Things

Would you like to know what to do when your child says hurtful things? One mom below contacted me to tell me that her child says hurtful things. Words can be hurtful, and none more so than when you’re called mean or kids say they hate you. So, if any parent reports that their child […]

My Son Won’t Do As He’s Told

My Son Won’t Do As He’s Told

Hello. I have a four-year-old son who is in preschool and has a VERY dominant personality. The bottom line is that my son won’t do as he’s told. He has trouble listening and following the rules. He wants to do things his own way. He has this problem at home as well. He bosses his […]

My Child Is Mean To Others

Posted by on Jul 21, 2015 in Anger issues, Being mean | No Comments
My Child Is Mean To Others

Hi Annie, I don’t know what to do because my child is mean to others. Today the teacher pulled me aside and told me that my three-year-old son was taking toys away from other kids and that every time this one little girl would make something out of play dough, he would smash it. She […]

I Need Help With My Children’s Behaviour

I Need Help With My Children’s Behaviour

Dear Annie, We are an Indian family living in Bahrain, and I need help with my children’s behaviour.  We have two school-going sons, aged 6+ and 3+ years, and a daughter, aged 3+ months. Our elder son, who is in 2nd standard, is a quiet kid, but he cannot concentrate on what he is doing, […]

Child Has No Respect

Child Has No Respect

Hello Annie, My best friend has adopted a girl from China, and she has no respect. Her daughter is 10 years old now.  She has ADHD, high-functioning autism, and many other diagnoses. She is out of control and has no respect for her mother. Her mother wants to change things, but when this kid doesn’t […]

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