My Child Keeps Interrupting

My Child Keeps Interrupting

Hi Annie. My child keeps interrupting. Have you got any ideas about what to do with a child that interrupts all the time? I’m a foster mother, and I have a three-year-old girl that never lets me have a minute on the phone without her constantly pulling at me and interrupting. She shouts or screams […]

Teaching Kids Gratitude

Teaching Kids Gratitude

Teaching kids gratitude makes the world go round. All parents hope they will create appreciative children. So when it comes to teaching kids gratitude, let’s face it: nobody wants their child to be the one grabbing their birthday presents in a frenzy, shoving whatever lovely and thoughtful gift they just got aside in a desperate […]

Child Says Hurtful Things

Child Says Hurtful Things

Would you like to know what to do when your child says hurtful things? One mom below contacted me to tell me that her child says hurtful things. Words can be hurtful, and none more so than when you’re called mean or kids say they hate you. So, if any parent reports that their child […]

How Do You Teach A Child To Be Kind?

How Do You Teach A Child To Be Kind?

First think about why you’re teaching morality? Most parents want their children to be kind, thoughtful, and decent to other people and to know right from wrong. In short, to be moral So the question is, “How do you teach a child to be kind?” All parents are attuned to screams of “I want it; […]

How Do You Stop A Child Interrupting

How Do You Stop A Child Interrupting

Dear Annie, I am looking for some advice or suggestions on how to teach my 6-year-old about personal space. He is a very social child and enjoys being around kids, adults, etc., but he always seems to need to get the attention of others. When he arrives at school, he yells, gives hugs, and just […]

My Child Is Mean To Others

Posted by on Jul 21, 2015 in Anger issues, Being mean | No Comments
My Child Is Mean To Others

Hi Annie, I don’t know what to do because my child is mean to others. Today the teacher pulled me aside and told me that my three-year-old son was taking toys away from other kids and that every time this one little girl would make something out of play dough, he would smash it. She […]

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