Gentle Parenting Hasn’t Worked, So Now What?

Posted by on Sep 26, 2023 in Gentle parenting | No Comments
Gentle Parenting Hasn’t Worked, So Now What?

Perhaps you’re trying to negotiate your way through your child’s third tantrum of the day, but in the face of it, all your calm negotiation skills and empathy just disappear, exhaustion swamps you, and suddenly a thought crosses your mind that, until now, you’ve been able to quash. Things aren’t working! Perhaps you say to […]

Bad Parenting Advice: Houston We Have a Problem!

Posted by on Oct 13, 2023 in Gentle parenting, temper tantrums | No Comments
Bad Parenting Advice: Houston We Have a Problem!

When Jack Swigert said, “Houston, we have a problem!” it was concerning the Apollo 13 moon landing, and it was because he saw a major issue on the horizon. I say it for the same reason. In my case, though, it means alerting readers to some really bad parenting advice out there that, more than […]

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