Welcome to Annie’s parent coaching service. Being a parent is a journey unlike any other. You’ll have moments of euphoria where you feel wonderful because everything is working so well and other times when you’ll feel your confidence erode over a bad report card or your child’s fourth temper tantrum of the day. All those feelings, while perfectly normal, can make you feel as if you are on a roller coaster of emotions.
By working with Annie the Nanny, you’ll not only benefit from her knowledge and experience and her help to guide you through any challenge, but you will also come away with a huge increase in your own confidence. Often, just by being able to troubleshoot, you realize that your instinct was there all along, pointing you in the right direction. You’ll realize that you can do it!
Annie’s parent coaching service will take the time to support you and help you discover your inner confidence. She will meet with you in person via Skype (or phone, if you prefer). She can help you with any issue, from your child’s behaviour at school to how to help your child move forward from a personal setback. Perhaps you want advice on how to handle a meltdown or assistance with other behaviours such as lying, biting, or sibling fighting.
Annie’s parent coaching service is distinct from her Behaviour Intervention Service in that it is an empowering, supportive, and confidential counselling style session designed to assist you in dealing with instances of new behaviour. This might include if your child starts biting or engaging in another behaviour that you are unsure of how to handle. Perhaps they keep waking up at night or are hard to settle.
The Behaviour Intervention Service is a confidential, non-judgmental, and supportive process that is instead focused on finding the reason for multiple challenging behaviours that arise together and then stopping those behaviours. These challenges might include refusing to go to bed or stay there, having multiple temper tantrums, picky eating, potty control issues, or hitting and other aggressive behaviours, or a combination thereof. It also includes any of the behaviours listed in this article on when to seek behaviour intervention.
If you’re unsure of whether the parent coaching service is right for your family or whether the behaviours that you are seeing would benefit from an intervention, it would be best to simply fill out the form and explain your issue, and Annie will help you determine the option that would work best for your family.
► How Does Annie’s Parent Coaching Service Work?
Parent coaching packages can be requested by Skype, phone, or email. They are designed to give you a helping hand and bring you peace of mind when you have questions. Those might be what to do about a certain behaviour or how to handle a situation with your child’s peers or at school. Other than the first half hour, which Annie does with Skype to better understand you and your family dynamics, the time purchased can be used to discuss any issue you’d like. Email replies to specific questions will have the time it takes for Annie to reply deducted from the balance.
► What Can I Discuss?
Anything really. Annie’s parent coaching service is intended to empower you and instill confidence in you so that you can face the parenting challenges that come your way. Perhaps your child has started to display a behaviour you’re not comfortable with. Perhaps they’ve just blown off steam at their teacher, and you’re not quite sure what to do. Perhaps they’ve hit a classmate or been bullied, and you’re unsure how to approach the teacher. Annie is there to listen to your concerns and help you find a solution, and it’s a fun, non-judgmental, collaborative process. Annie has been asked to come and stay with or live with many of the families she helps. Unfortunately, she can only be in one place at a time, but she is always appreciative of the offers!
► What Are Annie’s Parent Coaching Package Rates?
All former behaviour intervention clients receive a 10% discount on Annie’s hourly rates. All hourly packages are valid for two years from the date of purchase.
- 1 hour = $130.00/hour parent coaching service fee
- 5 Hours plus = $100/hour parent coaching service fee
Once you’ve decided on the number of hours you’d like to purchase, Annie will send you an invoice directly through Paypal. This will allow you to pay via your credit card or bank account. Annie can answer your enquiries by Skype, other online platforms, on the phone or through email. Formal Skype or phone appointments are one hour slots but if you’d rather have your enquiries answered personally either or by an unscheduled phone call or email, Annie is able to simply deduct the time taken to write the email from the total balance.
► Does Annie Offer Parent Coaching Packages for Business?
Absolutely! In today’s fast-paced and demanding work environment, your employees often juggle the responsibilities of their professional roles with the demands of parenthood. This delicate balance can lead to stress, reduced productivity, and a strain on work-life harmony.
That’s where Annie the Nanny comes in as the ideal business support solution. With her extensive expertise in parenting and behaviour intervention, Annie’s parent coaching service offers your staff a valuable resource to navigate the complexities of family life. By providing guidance and practical solutions, Annie can empower your employees to address parenting challenges with confidence.
Annie’s parent coaching services are accessible through convenient online platforms, making it easy for your team to access her support from anywhere in the world. Her confidential and non-judgmental approach ensures that your employees can discuss their concerns openly and receive personalized advice.
By offering Annie the Nanny’s services as part of your business support package, you’re not only enhancing your employees’ well-being but also fostering a more engaged and focused workforce. Addressing parenting challenges effectively can lead to reduced stress levels, improved work-life balance, and increased job satisfaction.
Invest in your team’s happiness and productivity by providing them with Annie the Nanny’s expert guidance. It’s a win-win for your employees and your business!”
Packages of hours are available to be purchased by any group wishing to offer comprehensive parenting support services for their members and can be combined with an introductory seminar, if required (rate applies). Please contact Annie for more information.
Our Skype session was very successful and easy!
My husband and I were struggling with behavioural and sleep issues we were having with our four year old son. We found out about Annie and her services over the internet. We were not able to meet Annie in person to help with our situation, so she suggested we consulted with her by Skype. We made an appointment to do our Skype session and Annie was very flexible at accommodating our schedule.
Our Skype session was very successful and easy! Over Skype Annie spent a lot of time discussing our situation and our current routines and forms of discipline we used with our child. She spent a lot of time with us getting all the information. She then discussed her advice for how to remedy our problem areas. What was great was that Annie took notes of the session for us, so that we could concentrate on the discussion. After the Skype session Annie promptly sent us her notes from the session and comprehensive notes of what we needed to do to correct the behavioural issues we were havi(...)
Annie the Nanny Review by Teresa (Saskatchewan)
Annie knows how to tackle any problem area...
On behalf of my family and I, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Annie the Nanny. Annie has been a great help in providing us with methods to handle our two boys (aged 4 & 6) and the various issues that have come up over the years.
We have taken a group class as well as private consultations with Annie and always learn many things from her. Parenting is stressful and there are so many parenting books and teachers and friends that want to give you advice, it's hard to know who to follow. My suggestion is discard the others and listen to Annie the Nanny.
Our family, friends and teachers suggested to us that we may have a “Highly Sensitive Child.” However, we listened to Annie and decided against having our child diagnosed as too often people are quick to diagnose what can often be normal kid behaviours. After taking Annie’s advice and implementing her strategies, our oldest son is now doing very well in school and we have none of the concerns that were a problem (...)
We are living in a much happier household...
We followed your plan and have seen amazing results. We are living in a much happier household and we can’t thank you enough for your help and expertise! We have had several people notice the change and we don’t shy away from passing your name on to friends and family. Thank you again so much for all of your help. It has truly changed my relationship with my son and I believe has made me a better parent. I do not have feelings of hopelessness as a parent anymore!
Thank you so much for all your help!
I just wanted to thank you so much for all your help! My life now has peace & cooperation with my little pot with ears. Supper time is peaceful, no more arguments. We try new foods. I have stopped asking so many silly questions & just let W know what we're going to do and how much fun it's going to be. I am enjoying my little fellow's company all the time now, and so is everyone else. He takes pride in helping and sometimes asks for extra jobs. You gave me a way of dealing and a different way of looking at how kids tick that has helped immensely. Thank you. You've given us order and peace in our
Today I'm a much more confident mom!
When my son was behaving poorly and wreaking havoc I found Annie The Nanny! Not only did she help me to realize that it's me but she was gentle in her direction, firm in her teaching. Today, I'm a much more confident mom and my son's Halo is shining again.
Thanks Annie the Nanny for being there and giving me the confidence I needed... I'm sure as the stages progress I'll be calling on you again.
You are indeed knowledgeable, kind and caring!
I didn't feel silly or intimidated in the slightest..
As a family of 6, there was little sanity in our house. With our 3 youngest children running the show, very little discipline, potty issues, eating issues, sleep issues we had come to the end of our ropes. I decided it was time to make a change. I did a little research and came across Annie.
I made the call and left a message. She immediately called me back. I was comforted by her voice and even in the first conversation; she was helping me see the light.
A few days later we had our phone consultation. It lasted nearly 3 hours. We talked about every issue we had with the children. Even down to the littlest problems. I didn’t feel silly or intimidated in the slightest. She made me feel that what we were going through was normal and a lot of other parents go thru it as well.
Her Notes were to follow via email. They were like reading a book from a bookstore about parenting, only it was about my family. Everything we talked about was clearly written out. All of the actions and reac(...)
Rhianna & Russell (Calgary)
I'm so glad I did this before it was too late.
Before meeting Annie, life at home was chaotic and unhappy. Since our meeting, we learned where we were going off track and what needed to change. If you can stick it out through the initial tantrums when you don't cave in, the results are immediate. One night being firm at dinner has turned into children that run to the table when they are called. One monumental meltdown that went completely ignored has resulted in a children that are generally happier people. We've also added purpose to our kids lives that we didn't even know was missing. Doing jobs around the house before play time isn't only helpful, its proven to be essential to their happiness which was a big win for everyone. Best of all my husband and I are finally on the same page with parenting. No more debates. I'm just so glad I did this before it was too late. Thanks Annie.
I would recommend her to anyone!
Annie the Nanny really helped me with a couple of problems I was having with my son. The advice she gave me fixed a lot of things. He now goes to bed a lot better, eats better, and I've learned giving him more attention really helps his behavior. I would recommend her to anyone!"
Thanks Annie for giving me my happy loving little boy back!
When Annie the Nanny came into our lives, my son (who is 3yrs old) and I were at complete odds. He would hit, kick, yell and scream at me and getting him to sit in the time out was not easy. Bedtime was also another battle that I was usually not up for to say the least. Annie was able to guide me in how to change my behavior and reactions to be more positive and consistent which helped my son to change his. With my husband gone for days to weeks at a time and my son trying to deal with his feelings I know that if I had not called Annie for help life would still be a constant battle. Thanks Annie for giving me my happy loving little boy back!!! Not to mention my sanity!
It was very reassuring to us to have Annie as a resource..
I still remember the call from my wife one weekday afternoon. “Honey” she says, I’d like to invite over a lady who specializes in working with families who have small out of control monsters. She is coming by tonight so don’t be late!” And that’s how the biggest change in our parenting methods, and the vast improvements in our home began. Of course, I did not believe her when she said she went by the handle of “Annie the Nanny”. When she insisted, I now wanted to meet her purely out of curiosity. It did not take me or my wife long to fully appreciate the depth of her experience, passion for children, and complete understanding of the challenges we face as working parents. It was also comforting to know, whether true or not, that we did not have nearly as big a problem on our hands with the twins as we thought we did.
From the first questions she asked, to her well defined systematic approach to giving us the tools we needed, Annie delivered every bit of what she committed t(...)
Kourosh and Leanne (Calgary)
Annie, you are a star in my books!
We have only one child whom we love dearly and have spoiled mercilessly. I love giving gifts and have given her so many things under the guise of pleasing her, when in reality it was something that was not good for her but gave ME pleasure. She is a great kid but needed some fine tuning such as learning to appreciate the littler things in life. So we asked Annie to come to our home for a day of observation. So many times on the Nanny shows on television, people ask for help, but when the Nanny gets there, they are offended by her trying to step in and help. So if you truly want help, you must accept it and be willing to make the necessary changes, regardless of how awkward it feels, for sake of your child. We were ready for change and knew it was up to us to do it for the f our child’s well being. I thought my Husband and I were pretty much on the same page but found out we were undermining each other a fair bit, not to mention routine in our family wasn’t that routine. With some(...)
Review of Annie the Nanny by Chris (Calgary)
My son is a much happier boy..
My son is a much happier boy and even things like teeth cleaning and getting dressed are a joy rather than a struggle now. Even our nanny has told us how different his behaviour is. So a big thank you to you!
You're a great comfort to frazzled parents!
Annie...You're a wonderful, calm and confident mentor, a great comfort to frazzled parents!
I just wanted to thank you so much again for your assistance. It was and is such a comfort to know that you are there to support the parents out there desperately looking for the "instruction manual" to their children that surely must have been misplaced at birth. Your advice was kind, practical, non-judgemental and very easy to implement . Our girls are now 11 months (9 adjusted) and growing every day! The increased sleep they are getting with the successful sleep training is helping their growth no doubt!
We noticed an immediate change in the household after implementing her plan..
With 2 children running the show in our house and and a third on the way, we were at the end of our rope and gave Annie a call. Annie sat with us while we reviewed all of our struggles and she patiently listened and broke all of our issues down to a few simple problems. She gave us a plan and some tools. The best part of her approach is that it was simple and not complicated. We were making parenting far to complicated and putting in far to much effort with very little results. We noticed an immediate change in the household after implementing her plan and techniques and we now get to spend our energy enjoying our children as a pose to constantly fighting battles . It’s still a struggle at times and new issues pop up as the kids change but we feel as though we have the tools to not let it get out of control like it was pre-annie. We highly recommend Annie as we are grateful for her help and continued support.
Without knowing her, I trusted her immediately...
I first contacted Annie when my son Omar was almost 6 months old. By that time I was in desperate need of sleep. My son's schedule was all over and I couldn't get him to sleep longer than 3 hours at night. I had read many books and tried many things but nothing seemed to work. I decided to give Annie a try. I was totally impressed to see how quickly she replied. Without knowing her, I trusted her immediately. She really knows what she is talking about and her advice works! She is so supportive and caring. It was wonderful to have an expert to go to who gave me her best. Thanks for that Annie!
Someone who can guide you with techniques that work!
We just finished a few days with Annie the Nanny. What a great experience to have someone who can guide you with techniques that work! Thanks Annie!!